lauantai 3. toukokuuta 2014

Ea ihmisen tekijä - wikipedia

Sumerilaiset pitivät Enkiä ihmisen luojana. Enuma elish sisälttää tähän liittyvää aineistoa.

Taulu II jo osoittaa, kuinka sumerilaisten Ea (Enki) on tärkeä hahmo babylonilaisten Enuma Elish eepoksessa. Tiamat taistelun taustalla voi olla sumerilainen myytti Enki ja Kur lohikäärme (alempi maailma). Mielenkiintoisella tavalla eepos etenee näistä Ean vaiheista ja nivoo tarinaa niin, että lopulta sankarin, Nippurin Enilin tilalle jumalten hallitsijaksi nouseekin Marduk (Asshur).

Wikipedia kertoo ihmisen luomisesta
After six generations of Gods, in the Babylonian "Enuma Elish", in the seventh generation, (Akkadian "shapattu" or sabath), the younger Igigi Gods, the sons and daughters of Enlil and Ninlil, go on strike and refuse their duties of keeping the creation working. Abzu God of fresh water, co-creator of the cosmos, threatens to destroy the world with his waters, and the Gods gather in terror.

Enki promises to help and puts Abzu to sleep, confining him in irrigation canals and places him in the Kur, beneath his city of Eridu.

But then, with the universe still threatened, Tiamat, with the imprisonment of her husband and consort Abzu and at the prompting of her son and vizier Kingu, decides to take back the creation herself.

The Gods gather again in terror and turn to Enki for help, but Enki who harnessed Abzu, Tiamat's consort, for irrigation refuses to get involved.

The gods then seek help elsewhere, and the patriarchal Enlil, their father, God of Nippur, promises to solve the problem if they make him King of the Gods.

In the Babylonian tale, Enlil's role is taken by Marduk, Enki's son, and in the Assyrian version it is Asshur.

After dispatching Tiamat with the "arrows of his winds" down her throat (similar in some respects to how Elohim moves his breath (ruach) over the "face of the deep" or "Tehom", in Genesis 1:2) and reconstructing the heavens with the arch of her ribs (i.e. her "life"), Enlil places her tail in the sky as the Milky Way, and her crying eyes become the source of the Tigris and Euphrates.

But there is still the problem of "who will keep the cosmos working". Enki, who might have otherwise come to their aid, is lying in a deep sleep and fails to hear their cries.

His mother Nammu (creatrix also of Abzu and Tiamat) "brings the tears of the gods" before Enki and says
Oh my son, arise from thy bed, from thy (slumber), work what is wise,
Fashion servants for the Gods, may they produce their (bread?).

Enki then advises that they create a servant of the Gods, humankind, out of clay and blood.

Against Enki's wish the Gods decide to slay Kingu, and Enki finally consents to use Kingu's blood to make the first human, with whom Enki always later has a close relationship, the first of the seven sages, seven wise men or "Abgallu" (Ab = water, Gal = great, Lu = Man), also known as Adapa.

Enki assembles a team of divinities to help him, creating a host of "good and princely fashioners". He tells his mother
Oh my mother, the creature whose name thou has uttered, it exists,
Bind upon it the (will?) of the Gods;
Mix the heart of clay that is over the Abyss,
The good and princely fashioners will thicken the clay
Thou, do thou bring the limbs into existence;
Ninmah (the Earth-mother goddess (Ninhursag, his wife and consort) will work above thee
(Nintu?) (goddess of birth) will stand by thy fashioning;
Oh my mother, decree thou its (the new born's) fate.

Adapa, the first man fashioned, later goes and acts as the advisor to the King of Eridu, when in the Sumerian Kinglist, the "Me" of "kingship descends on Eridu".

Samuel Noah Kramer, believes that behind this myth of Enki's confinement of Abzu lies an older one of the struggle between Enki and the Dragon Kur (the underworld)
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